Speed Bumps Pop Up Across Detroit


Arturo Rizo-Perez

Drivers all around Detroit have noticed an increase of speed bumps in residential areas since the beginning of 2021.

Due to many speeding and drag racing cars, the City of Detroit decided to build more speed bumps to combat the problem. The speed bumps are built in an attempt to prevent car accidents from occurring. Speed bumps can be built upon requests made by a resident for the street. The City of Detroit will also look at speeding/accident records of the street, how many children are living there, if the street has a speed limit of 25MPH, and the distance of parks and schools from the street.

A staff member from Cesar Chavez Middle School, Mr. Walstrom, has had two speed bumps installed on his street. Mr. Walstrom also has two young children in his household. He has stated, “I know from myself that I haven’t heard as many speeding cars at night”. Another person at Cesar Chavez Middle School, a year eight student named Gabriel said, “Speed bumps cause accidents. If it bumps it, it can cause the car to crash”. Gabriel has also stated, “he is not against speed bumps, but also not with them”.

Speed bumps will only continue to grow in numbers as time passes. According to the City of Detroit, “Due to maximizing resources allocated to the 2021 speed hump program and continued resident demand, DPW will be expanding the speed hump program to an additional 460 to 700 blocks across the city through November 15th”. This means due to high demand amongst residents and good resource usage, the installation of speed bumps or humps will be available in more streets in Detroit.